||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date; ga('create', 'UA-23711421-2', 'auto'); ga('set', 'forceSSL', true); ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true); ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); ga('require', 'cleanUrlTracker'); ga('require', 'outboundLinkTracker'); ga('require', 'ec'); var match = RegExp('[?&]gclid=([^&]*)').exec(; var gclid = match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); if(gclid){ ga('set', 'dimension1', gclid); } ga('send', 'pageview'); ga('set', 'nonInteraction', true); setTimeout("ga('send', 'event', 'read', '20 seconds')", 20000); Payment / Dispatch | Stoma shop USA

Payment / Dispatch

Prices and shipping costs

All prices stated in our online shop are exclusive of the applicable statutory sales tax (VAT).

The corresponding shipping costs are specified in the shopping basket and are to be borne by the buyer.

The goods are dispatched by FedEx. If all articles you ordered are on stock, we can deliver at the following conditions:
FedEx Ground: We will deliver your order by standard ground shipping and will charge 15 $.
FedEx 2nd day air: We will deliver your order within 2 days and will charge 35 $.
FedEx Overnight: We will deliver your order overnight and will charge 50 $.

If some articles you ordered are not on stock, we will inform you about the estimated time of delivery.

The buyer bears the shipping risk. In the event of a revocation, the direct costs of the return shipment must be borne by the buyer.


Payment arrangements

As a buyer you can pay by PayPal. You can pay also by credit card, but only if you have linked it to your PayPal account.

Your obligation as a buyer to pay default interest does not exclude the assertion of further default damages by us as the seller.

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